Wednesday, May 7, 2008

somebody call me a waaaaahhhmmmbulance!

alright... i give up... it's not something i do easily... and, truth be told, it feels like crap... something in me is SURE that, now that i've canceled all my reservations and postponed my trip until next april, tibet will reopen to foreigners... sigh...

amazing how much work it takes to make travel arrangements, yet how quickly one can cancel em all!

some have kindly suggested i find another school... in another country... where things aren't so "unstable"... and, while i appreciate their intentions and good wishes (and i know there are children throughout this world who need help/hope/happiness), this has become a quest... so, i'm diggin' my heels in...

i guess this continues to be an exercise in patience for me... thank goodness i'm stubborn... :)

updates to resume in 2009... but feel free to visit the jatson chumig school and orphanage website and learn more about this very special place!