Wednesday, June 24, 2009

june 21, 2009 ... tell my feet... i'm coming home...

through with this series of adventures, i'm on my way home... caught in a dizzying and utterly conflicting array of thoughts, it's been a journey, to say the least... and it's one that more people should try on for size... not getting preachy about it or anything... it's just that there's no way to even remotely duplicate the experience... even less useful, trying to describe it (as you've read time and again :)...

over the last nearly three weeks, i've hit pretty much every emotion... sadness, joy... utter weakness, new-found strength... failure, success... total terror, surprising courage... frustration, victory... and, most important... hope... you name it... i smacked into it like a mac truck... and, in all of these, i found a lot of peace... and i let go of quite a few things that i feel have been holding me back lately... i left them and the pain and sadness that ride shotgun on the shores of namtso lake...

and, in doing so... i think i'm coming home a better mom... daughter... sister.. friend... coworker... human being... i know... it's a pretty tall order so i'm going to be patient with myself... (and i hope you all will be, as well)...

i've tried to be upbeat and fairly general in my missives... which is not to say that there aren't stories behind the stories behind the stories... and i appreciate those who have understood my inability to elaborate at the moment... there will be a time to address some harsher truths... as they are important facets to this complicated picture... but, for now... i'm looking forward to putting my feet firmly back where they belong...

thanks for following along and for all your support!!!



p.s.... i learned to actually... kinda... sorta... like (?)... yak butter tea.... :)

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